Remember when you were little?
When the world was a great big place, but you felt safe because you had your mom? Do you remember looking at her and saying, “Mom, you’re the prettiest mom in the whole wide world”? Do you remember when you fell and skinned your knee and you went in the house, crying with blood running down your shin…and it was your mom who somehow made it all better? Do you remember, as a teenager, when you had something you had to come clean about, but you went to your mom first, so she could help you break it to Dad?
Maybe you haven’t thought about any of these moments in a very long time. But I invite you to think about them now. For many years, your mom was your world. She was your protector and your champion. She lifted you up and kept you humble. She provided food, shelter and the best hugs around. She set you on the path for the rest of your life. As adults, we often get busy with the business of our own lives, and we don’t give the attention we should to the woman who set us on this path.
Good news! We have a holiday just for Mom! In May of 1907 Anna Jarvis held a memorial service for her late mother. Other states started to observe the day as well, and in 1914 President Woodrow Wilson made it a National Holiday. Now we are reminded to take a day to celebrate Mom, every May.
While we’re on that topic, let’s talk about ways to honor Mom.
Our best suggestion, is of course, with JEWELRY! At Roper’s we have lots of great gift ideas for Mom, from simple silver earrings to elaborate diamond suites.
Here’s the thing about Mom: she doesn’t want you to spend your nest egg on her Mother’s Day gift. She just wants to know you’re thinking about her. You still have a few days to stop in to either of our locations and choose something that’s just right for YOUR Mom (or perhaps for the mother of your children). We look forward to helping you select a gift that’s just right.
Happy Mother’s Day!
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